After having had a Catholic education (communion, confirmation, conciliar mass), I moved away from it as an adult and did not give a Catholic education to my children.

In doubt for many years, I wanted to go back and forced myself to go to mass which I found ridiculous because it had no substance... Then I was told about Vatican II and the reform of the Church and the existence of the SSPX.

I went there about 2 years ago.

At first it was a little complicated because I didn't know Latin and didn't have a missal. After a few masses combined with readings on the Vatican II reform in particular, I understood that I had found what I was looking for... Difficult to explain.

The faith that I felt deep within me finally managed to express itself because I felt a real presence, a real humility.. I understood the true meaning of the mass (the renewed sacrifice that we do not find in the conciliar mass which no longer has any meaning and for good reason...).

These masses bring me a lot of well-being and serenity in this troubled period that we are currently experiencing. At the same time, I took up the catechism for adults on the Latin door (+ readings, videos...) which helped me a lot.

I'm trying to make up for what I missed, namely putting my children on the path to God, which is very difficult at 25/30 years old, even if they heard about it from their grandparents.

Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius x Lourdes
Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius x Lourdes

Valérie’s testimony :