Priestly Fraternity Saint Pius X
A society of Catholic priests with the essential purpose of forming holy priests.
The Priestly Fraternity Saint-Pie X is a society of Catholic priests founded by Bishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970.
Its essential purpose is the formation of good priests by the means that the Church has always employed: the holy sacrifice of the Mass in its rite of always, the preaching of Catholic faith and morality, the dispensation of grace through the sacraments of the Church, Catholic doctrine drawn from the best sources, life in common in charity and prayer.
The Fraternity of Saint Pius X was canonically erected in Fribourg (Switzerland) on November 1, 1970 by Bishop François Charrière.
Today widespread in about sixty countries, it has six international seminaries (houses of formation of priests). Its members devote themselves to the most diverse works: parish ministry within priories erected all over the world, primary and secondary schools, higher education, spiritual retirement homes, chaplaincies of nuns, missions, various charities.

Witness of the catholic tradition
His rejection of liturgical disorder and new doctrines has caused the Society many misunderstandings. In the eyes of many, it is today the strongest bastion of resistance to what Pope Paul VI called “the self-destruction of the Church”. She is effectively helped in this task by several religious communities animated by the same spirit and zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X is a living witness to the fruitfulness of the Catholic tradition. Throughout the world, it continues to build new churches, schools and seminaries. Its chapels are filled every Sunday with faithful of all ages, including many young people and families. Through her, many Christians have rediscovered a fervent Christian life along with peace and joy.
Omnia instaurare in Christo
The Fraternity makes its own the motto which was the program of St Pius X (Pope from 1903 to 1914), its patron saint: "Omnia implantare in Christo" - "To restore everything in Christ" (Eph. 1:10). It is indeed the whole private and public human life, individual and family, economic and political, which must be subject to the law of Christ and enlivened by his grace. It is at this price that the world will find peace and souls will reach blessed eternity.
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X is active on the five continents. It also has a branch of religious Brothers and Oblate Sisters who help priests in different communities.
The Fraternity is placed especially under the patronage of Jesus the Priest, whose entire existence was and remains priestly and for whom the Sacrifice of the Cross was the raison d'être of his Incarnation. She is also under the aegis of Mary, Mother of the Priest par excellence and by him, Mother of all the priests in whom she forms her Son.