My parents gave me the choice of my religion. At 38, I chose!

I became a “traditional” FSSPX Catholic, baptized 9 months ago.

It all started 2 and a half years ago, when a colleague told me about the history of the Church and the deep division since the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, between Catholics wanting to continue to practice their religion as since 2000 years, and those wanting to reform and modernize the Church, diminishing in the process the rites of all the sacraments inherited from the past.

I then understood why the Catholic religion has been lost for two generations in most families: everything was done to destroy the Faith!

Indeed, by modifying the sacraments, people no longer receive Jesus within themselves with as much strength and beauty...

It is therefore difficult to understand what one feels when leaving a "traditional" mass where the sacraments are correctly performed.

We see the damage of the modernization of the Church today, with a pro-LGBT Pope, who advocates abortion, vaccination, who wants to lift the secrecy of confession etc etc...

If these “traditional” communities appear so firm, it is because there is a great danger of being tempted by modernist ideas, and the more accessible conciliar masses...

Today I drive 45 minutes to attend a Holy Mass in Latin, but I know why I'm doing it.

The well-being and the impression of having taken a shower of purity, the songs, the sacredness of the ceremony, the costumes, the decor, although we are banned from churches... All this speaks to my soul which thirsts for God.

Today, it's hard to miss a Sunday mass...

And the only other mass, conciliar, that I attended seemed really devoid of sacredness: the priest was turned towards the faithful instead of being turned towards the altar, towards God. The host was given by hand although it is supposed to represent the body of Christ, which the priest normally takes with his fingertips and gently places on the tongue of the faithful while reciting a prayer. The faithful were dressed in a modern way, without any form of respect or submission to God, while in the “traditional” mass, the women are in skirts or dresses below the knee, and covered over their heads. The men are in suits... There is particular attention to appearance, we dress up like before.

In short, Catholicism yes, but not just any Catholicism.

My faith today is solid and indestructible, because I know that there is only one truth and it is the one shared for 2000 years in Latin masses.

Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X
Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X

Estelle’s testimony :